HTML5: What is it?

The most recent version of HTML markup code is called HTML5. the program used by web browsers like Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, and Firefox to render webpages, text, images, video, and other content. It is utilized for all browsers on all kinds of computer hardware, including desktops, laptops, tablets, cellphones, and other mobile devices. The W3C (Wide Web Consortium) and WHATWG are in charge of publishing, updating, and maintaining it. It is now a stable W3C recommendation that has been made public. On October 28, 2014, the W3C formally ratified it, giving it official status and making it the preferred code for building websites.

Most likely, you have heard of HTML5 from friends or on other websites. It is the fifth significant update to the HTML markup language, the coding language used to create websites. It quickly took over HTML 4.01 standards as the preferred web development language. Web templates are now created with HTML5 and a few HTML 4.01 tags for compatibility with older browsers. In addition to HTML 4, XHTML 1, and DOM Level 2 HTML are also scheduled to be absorbed by HTML5. Check out the HTML Web Templates Definitions Page for more information about HTML.

Reverse compatibility

Most websites are either being constructed in HTML5 or are updated to it. Our HTML5 web templates are created following the most recent W3C web design standards to be backward compatible because it is not completely supported in some older browsers. This covers HTML code, Javascript, CSS, and jQuery.

The modern web browser software will always support HTML 4.01 and be able to display it. When it comes to HTML5, if a website is created entirely utilizing HTML5 code and the designer does not consider earlier browser software, the website may occasionally become inaccessible to users of these older browsers still in use. A website created entirely with HTML5 will not display correctly in browsers that do not completely support it (see “HTML5 Penetration” below on this page). As with each upgrade, there will always be some issues to fix. Any new website project should use HTML5 as its preferred language.

All Allwebco web themes are designed to be backward compatible for optimal viewing in older web browsers.

Building web templates for websites that support older browser compatibility and are viewable in all web browsers takes more time and thought. No detection or specialized scripts are present in our designs to help this backward compatibility. To maintain a clean and lean code structure, we use HTML5 compatible markup and CSS styling. We design websites that adhere to W3C HTML5 and CSS3 standards while being backward compatible.

How does HTML5 differ from HTML 4.01?

In reality, HTML5 and the earlier HTML 4.01 definitions are remarkably similar. The application of “web standards” is a major component of the buzz around HTML5, although these standards are ultimately not standards. Because HTML5 needs at least four different video formats and two different audio formats to play media in all widely used browsers, the standard video and audio originally hailed as HTML5’s strength are more of a drawback. On this page, see “HTML5 & Audio/Video Issues” below.

The primary goal of HTML5 was to standardize web coding; however, aside from audio and video, it offers nothing novel or ground-breaking (the CSS3 code is what allows for more dynamic designs). The well-established Javascript or jQuery code, or Flash programs, must still be used in conjunction with other webpage code for interactive website animation. There are no “built-in” animation or motion features in HTML5, nor are there any brand-new interactive standards. HTML5 is HTML 4.01 code with a few small changes and renamed “tag” markup.

Are our HTML5 web templates available from Allwebco?

Yes, we offer a large selection of HTML5 and CSS3-coded website designs. To view our selection, enter “HTML5” or “responsive” in the search bar at the top of the page, or choose one of the links below. Backward compatibility ensures the best possible presentation in older non-HTML5 browsers like IE6, 7, 8, and others for all of our HTML5 web templates and add-ons. They are compatible with tablets, smartphones, and other mobile device browsers, as well as newer browsers, including IE9+, Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Opera.

Mobile Adherence

All mobile devices are compatible with HTML5 markup. See the mobi-Hybrid Budget and Mobi-Hybrid Business website layouts if you’re creating a new site or updating an existing one to the new code. Our mobile-Hybrid HTML5 designs are created to perform flawlessly on laptops, Windows PCs, and Mac desktop computers and mobile devices, including smartphones, tablets, and laptops. Thanks to CSS Media Queries coding, they have a responsive design and flex on all kinds of computers.

Microsoft HTML

HTML5 code can be added to previous webpages and “mashed” with HTML 4.01 code because HTML5 is a subsume markup language (works with other HTML). Using the most recent web standards code, Allwebco Design is committed to offering our clients website designs optimized for viewing in the broadest web browsers and mobile devices. View HTML5 details in support as well.

Information about HTML5 implementation issues:

HTML5 Adoption
On January 22, 2008, the HTML5 specification released its first working draught for the general audience. The document was completed and released on October 28, 2014. With over 60% of the market share as of this writing, the Google Chrome browser is the most widely used, and Firefox comes in at #2 with roughly 20%. Since before 2012, these two browsers, Safari and Opera, have all complied with HTML5. In June 2012, the W3C suggested standard for Media Queries code, the CSS module that enables responsive webpages, was established.

Audio and video problems
Although the specification’s original goal was to create “media web standards,” HTML5 does not provide support for a single video or audio format across all browsers. This means various file formats are needed to enable display across all browsers when adding audio or video to a webpage using only HTML5 code. This flaw makes web admins’ jobs more difficult unless a standard for audio and video utilizing HTML5 is established at some point in the future. See Adding Video To a Website or Web Template for further information.

Animation and HTML5
Animation features are not part of the HTML5 specification. The most widely used animation script on websites nowadays is jQuery, a library of Javascript routines. Additionally, CSS3 code provides a variety of animation styles and is often used to provide simple animations and interactive elements. CSS is also employed for mouseover, fade-in, and other hover effects.

Animation with jQuery
jQuery is a library of Javascript functions. The jQuery library file contains pre-set scripts that simplify adding animation and other Javascript components to HTML webpages. It was developed as free, open-source software to simplify client-side scripts in HTML pages. Many of our designs incorporate jQuery animation and functionalities, which can be combined with HTML 4.01 and HTML5 web templates. For further information, see design features.